The prophet Daniel, has a vision of 4 strange beasts as well as what may be thought of as a courtroom scene. In that vision, he sees “One like the…
Join us as one of our ministry partners in world missions, the Gregory’s, encourages us through their story and the Word while addressing the topic, The Theology of Suffering.
As we return to our series on End Times prophecy, we take a look at King Nebuchadnezzar and the dream God gave him and how that sheds light on God’s…
Today Grace Point Church commissioned Dennis & Stasi Cochardo to serve with Kingdom Air Corps in Alaska. Hear what their plans are and what it means to be commissioned by…
Today's message addresses the questions, "When does human life begin?" and “What makes humans different from other creatures?”, and looks at what the Bible has to say about it. The…
This week, our focus on end times prophecy looks at the big picture of the Devil’s role in human history, what his endgame is, the role the nation of Israel…
Join us as one of our ministry partners in world missions encourages us through their story and the Word, while answering the question, What is the chief end of man?
The birth of Jesus Christ was foretold thousands of years before it actually happened. Listen as Kyle unpacks these prophecies and explains their fulfillment.
This is the time of year that we hear the phrase “Peace on Earth”; yet our human experience is anything but that. How can we have peace during these trying…
God sees all things and cares for His creation, especially the people. This is shown throughout scripture in how He interacts with people in their lives.Today’s devotional follows the Christmas…
This week, our focus on end times prophecy begins with an introduction to the rapture. The word "rapture" as used in the New Testament means "to snatch away" and is…
Throughout this past year, we have seen people get angry over a variety of issues. Sometimes we get angry. Other times, the anger is sent in our direction. In either…
Before we start looking at specific end times events, it would be good to look at some foundational principles that every person who reads prophecy must have in place. This…
Dwayne King gives us an update on what’s happening at Kingdom Air Corps.
End Times Prophecy is a topic of much interest. Today, Kyle is introducing this series while answering the question: Why are we studying prophecy?
In just two days the polls will be closed and our nations official vote counters will be hard at work to appoint a winner to this year's election. Someone once…
As we close in on the election on November 3rd, it is easy to see that politics isn't an emotionally neutral topic. It has the power to divide us instead…
This Sunday is our last message in our series on Philippians. These final three weeks have been devoted toward looking at contentment, greed, and why God wants us to be…
Greed and contentment cannot coexist. Either you allow greed to push your desire for more and more, or you are content with what you have. This week we look at…
Too many times, we find ourselves building walls in our relationships with other people. Yet, God tore down the wall that was between us and Him when Jesus gave Himself…
If keeping things and amassing riches is your objective rather than releasing them and using them for the Lord, you will completely miss contentment. We will be most content when…
If we are honest with ourselves, most of us lack contentment. This lack of contentment tends to be tied with our circumstances in life. The apostle, Paul, had experienced much…
Last week, Kyle talked about a scriptural teaching that he calls the “TDF Principle” (Think Right, Do Right, Feel Right). How you think and what you do are huge factors…
Join Kyle as he continues with his discussion on anxiety and worry, and how to deal with these “tyrants” in our lives.*** Discussions Questions Below ***
Mike continues his discussion on the Gospel and how it should influence the way we think as well as the way we behave. This means that we don’t make good…
Although Christians know that they are saved from the penalty of sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, many still struggle with anxiety and other issues in their lives. How…