The Talk

February 4, 2024
The words we speak can be powerful in that they can build others up or tear them down. Given this “power”, we should be mindful in how we use the…

Escaping Hell

January 14, 2024
Today, one of GPC’s elders, explores the topic of Hell – a real place that Jesus spoke much about while He walked this earth. Ash discusses the reality of Hell…
New Years is a time when many folks make resolutions to improve themselves in one way or another. Many of them fail to maintain their momentum as the trials of…
The carol, O Little Town Of Bethlehem, has multiple references to the purpose of Christ’s coming to earth in human form. Kyle explores this and how it applies to us…
Listen in as Kyle continues his mini-series on Israel and why so many nations are out to destroy it. What should our response be as Christians? What does God have…
The rise in anti-Semitism is in the news recently and actually has its roots thousands of years ago; not in recent history as some believe. What is the reason for…