Every Christian emits an "Aroma" when interacting with other people. We don't mean "smell" in the literal sense, but more of a perception of Christ. Do our interactions reflect Christ…
God often communicates Truth to us through stories of the lives of His people. Jim demonstrates this dramatically by using the first person perspective in telling Jonah's story.
The phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" implies that beauty is a subjective thing. Is it really? Can something be inherently beautiful regardless of what people think?…
Learn about what God is doing in the world - locally, regionally, nationally, and in other parts of the world. Not only "what", but "why".
Freedom without boundaries is not truly free; but is dumb. Listen to find out why.
Final Question: Do you believe you have access to God?
Two more questions: What is Absolute? (or What is really "real"?); and What is my Identity?
If God is not behind human history, what are the alternatives?
Learning is more than just going to school. It is something many of us will do throughout our lives (even beyond a classroom setting). This learning will give us more…
Many people say they want to know God's will for them, but may not realize that they need to ask (and answer) the following questions: Am I using what God…
This passage begins with Zechariah seeing a vision in which the high priest at that time, Joshua (the Defendant), is standing before God (the Judge) wearing filthy garments. God has…
This morning, we are joined by a representative from The Voice of the Martyrs. Due to the sensitive nature of his talk, we will not be live broadcasting or posting…
Today, I want to talk about who we are as a church, share some of my goals while on sabbatical, and encourage/challenge you over this summer to commit to growing…
God gave men & women different roles in marriage so that we would mirror the relationship Christ has with His church. Unfortunately, even Christian couples have difficulty getting this right.…
Happy couples have a "You before me" mentality. What does that look like in a marriage? How do you put into practice, "We" are more important than "me"?
In every relationship, there comes a time when there is a gap between what you expect someone to do and what you experience. During these times, we make a choice…
Each person in a love relationship comes with a "box" of hopes, dreams, & desires. Oftentimes, the "other person" sees the box as full of expectations, burdens, & pressure. How…
The resurrection of Jesus is the key to Christianity. So much so, that all of Christianity "hangs" on that one event. However, not everyone at that time believed it -…
Palm Sunday is the day that we commemorate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. What happened in the aftermath of the next day has a number of spiritual lessons for us.
Today's message touches on why we do what we do. Our goal is to make more, and better, disciples of Jesus Christ.
Before we can correctly address injustice, we need to first understand what justice is - how is it defined - as well as who gets to define it? God's justice…
God's holiness elicits different reactions from different people. Why should we be interested in holiness? Because holiness is mandatory if you want to have a relationship with God. Did you…
The concept of Rest from work was introduced in Genesis when God rested from His work of Creation. For us, the purpose of this rest, or Sabbath, is not simply…
How do you view your work? Is it joyful, drudgery, or somewhere in-between? How do you relate with your boss/manager/supervisor? Are you on friendly terms, or do you dread being…
Contrary to what many think, work is not bad, but good. It is NOT part of the curse God put on the earth as a result of the Fall. Our…
We most often use the word, "Holy", to describe moral purity and righteousness. However, this is really a secondary meaning. The primary definition of Holy is the meaning, "separate". So,…