As we continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome (Romans 10), we explore the topic of people who have a zeal for God, but do not…
Kyle continues our study of God’s sovereign choices by considering the topic of “hardening of hearts”. How does this work? How does this relate to God’s mercy and grace? Listen…
Today Kyle tackles the subject of God’s choices (aka: “election”). When God makes a choice, it might seem “unfair” to us, but is it really? How we answer this question,…
Affliction. The world has much affliction. People suffer for many different reasons and we often wonder “Why?”. Today we have long time missionaries presenting an update of their ministry in…
Today we start a new series that covers Romans chapters 9-11. The nation of Israel is often in the news. What makes them so special? Kyle starts to address this…
As we conclude our series on Living Right-Side Up in an Upside Down World, Kyle takes a look at Jesus’ last night with His disciples and what it means for…
In general, a “Catechism” is a series of questions and answers geared to helping one to remember certain principles of faith. In our series, Kyle discusses some truths that will…
You hear a lot of people calling for “Justice”, but what is “Justice”? What does it mean to be “Just”? Justice implies that there is a standard. What is that…
As we continue our series on Living Right-Side Up in an Upside Down World, we may wonder, “What was the culture like in the time of the early church?” Was…
Our culture encourages us to find our “true self”. However, your “true self” is based on what God says about you. How does God’s view of us compare with our…
Sometimes we feel out of place in this world that we live in. As Christians, our citizenship/home is in heaven and we are “just camping” here – this is not…
The word, “Reconciliation”, has the general idea of bringing about a uniting of parties by settling their differences. In the case between man and God, our differences are irreconcilable –…
Today we are taking a short break from out series and are highlighting 3 short term missions projects by people from Grace Point. Two have already been completed and one…
Our series, “Living Right-Side Up in an Upside-Down World”, continues with Elder Gary Little explaining that we who are Christians, are actually temporary residents in the world we live in.…
America, in 2022, seems to be a nation divided. In the news, we see “the other side” as being the enemy of whatever side we are on. But are they…
How does God want us to live in 2022 in America? What does Jesus want us to “look like”? In other words, what is the identifying mark, or “brand”, that…
Is it possible to love people who you don’t like? Jesus commands us to “Love Our Enemies” (Matthew 5:44). Listen as Associate Pastor, Josh Jenks, describes how God showed mercy…
As we continue our series, “Living Right-Side Up in an Upside-Down World”, Elder Tad Williams explains that God has shaken up His people in the past in order to redirect…
It should come as no surprise that American culture has changed much over the past few decades and that Biblical values have been ignored. What is a Christian to do…
In order to be effective in reaching any given people group with the Gospel, it is necessary to first understand the nuances of their culture and language. Ignoring this step…