Today, Kyle takes a break from the current series on Our Identity in Christ to talk about the ministry at Grace Point. As part of the body of Christ, we…
We know that one of God’s goals in our life is to make us more like His Son, Jesus Christ. Last week, Kyle talked about the role of suffering. This…
As we continue in our series, Our Identity in Christ, Kyle discusses the role of suffering in the life of Christians and how God uses it to make us more…
The reason Christians have their identity in Christ is that we have been adopted by God into His family. Today, Kyle discusses what this meant to the Christians in Paul’s…
Since Christians have their identity in Christ, there is something that distinguishes them from all others. What, or Who, might that be? The answer may surprise you. *** See Discussion…
As we continue in our series on Our Identity In Christ, Pastor Kyle addresses the fact that Christians are no longer under condemnation for their sin. What does this mean…
Most people understand “wickedness” as something that one does, or even thinks about doing. However, Jesus defines it more broadly to include that which we don’t do that we should…
The Apostle, Paul, describes a struggle with the Law (of Moses). He uses the first person pronoun, I. Is he describing his struggle as Paul, the Unbeliever; as Paul, the…
As we continue our series, Our Identity In Christ, Pastor Kyle explores the relationship of the Christian with the Law of Moses and how it relates to the Grace that…
Join Pastor Kyle as he continues with his series on our identity in Christ. Being a new year, there are 7 things he wants us to remember about our relationship…
Our guest speaker, Mark Musa, discusses how we can know Jesus better by exploring some of the various contrasts in His earthly ministry with His position as Creator. Listen as…
Today Pastor Kyle takes a look at the visit Mary had with the angel, Gabriel and her response to his message. There is much to learn from this that we…
We are in the final installment of a 3-part “mini-series” called “First Responders”, where we look at those people who were the first to respond to the news of Christ’s…
We are in the 2nd of a 3-part “mini-series” called “First Responders”, where we look at those people who were the first to respond to the news of Christ’s birth.…
We are starting a “mini-series” called “First Responders”, where we look at those people who were the first to respond to the news of Christ’s birth. Today, we look at…
Today Pastor Tim Dodd discusses how we, as believers in Christ, should respond in the midst of today’s “cancel culture”.
Today Pastor Kyle continues with his series on our identity in Christ. He discusses how the Old Testament Law never did save anyone from sin, and how salvation was always…
Over the past couple of weeks, we learned that believers in Christ are no longer slaves to sin. That is because we are no longer under the Law, but under…
Today’s message is the second in a “mini-series” within the broader topic of Our Identity In Christ. Last week, we learned about dying to sin and that it is no…
Today, we look into the question that the Apostle Paul asked, “Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?”; as well as his answer and the rationale…
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