Psalm 127 makes reference to the Lord building someone’s house. He wasn’t talking about a structure/building. In this context the psalmist was talking about relationships, family, and being secure. Since…
In the world of commerce, we use money as currency. In the world of interpersonal relationships, there is a “relational currency” that we use. What is it, how do we…
It’s no secret that men and women are physically different. However, we often forget that the differences extend further into how we perceive things based on how we think and…
We often bring expectations, hopes, dreams, etc, to relationships that we engage in. Sometimes these “boxes of stuff” place burdens on the relationship, which leads to stress and other unpleasant…
Kyle starts a new series called Relationship Rehab. Like many problems in life, the first step to resolving them is admitting that we need help. However, the thing that gets…
What comes to your mind when you think about God? His Mercy? His Judgment? His Attributes? - just to name a few possibilities. Our answers to this question will probably…
Last week, we saw how God’s promise to preserve Israel has been, and continues to be fulfilled. What about the Gentiles? Do they play a role in God’s promise to…
After taking a break for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, we are continuing our series in Romans. Today we start chapter 11 where the Apostle Paul discusses the Remnant…
How can a Christian live a godly life when our culture seems to be antagonistic towards godly living and standards? Such things tend to make us anxious. Our guest speaker,…
US culture has been getting increasingly polarized in recent years. Surprisingly, the church has had some degree of polarization in the areas of grace and truth. Some churches treat grace…
Words have great power. Power to cause harm or bring healing. Many people (including ourselves) may have been subjected to hurtful words and are in need of healing. It may…
The American culture today seems to be at a point where everyone is offended by wrongs we perceive to have occurred to us or others. This tendency has a corrosive…
We are taking a short break from our Romans series to begin our December “mini-series”, The Ghosts Of Christmas Past. Today’s message, by Dan Nichols, addresses the topic of Shame…
Some signs that we see have unintentional messages. Sometimes it’s due to misspellings (like missing letters), or poorly worded statements. God uses people as “signs” for others. How does that…
Today, our guest speaker, Andy Giessman, discusses how our world view impacts how we perceive reality and how Christ’s sacrifice should have an effect on both. *** Discussion Questions below…
As we continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome (Romans 10), we explore the topic of people who have a zeal for God, but do not…
Kyle continues our study of God’s sovereign choices by considering the topic of “hardening of hearts”. How does this work? How does this relate to God’s mercy and grace? Listen…
Today Kyle tackles the subject of God’s choices (aka: “election”). When God makes a choice, it might seem “unfair” to us, but is it really? How we answer this question,…
Affliction. The world has much affliction. People suffer for many different reasons and we often wonder “Why?”. Today we have long time missionaries presenting an update of their ministry in…