As Pastor Kyle continues his series on Heaven, he addresses the notion of NOT having a fear of missing out on things/experiences of this world. Since we live in this…
Our Identity seems to be a hotly debated topic in today’s culture. For Christians, what should be the focus of our identity? Why? Listen to find out.
As part of our learning about Heaven, we find that renewal of the Earth is part of God’s plan. This renewal entails God’s reclaiming and restoring the world that was…
Pastor Kyle continues his series on Heaven and dives into 9 details about what the Scripture says about Heaven from the aspect of what Christians can expect when they die.
To get an accurate view of Heaven, it is necessary to understand the Bible’s description of it. This week, Pastor Kyle looks at 20+ observations about Heaven that can be…
What is heaven like? Can we even know? What does the Bible say about it? Are there any misconceptions about Heaven? If so, what are they and why? Join Pastor…
The typical modern American has rejected the idea of a judging God, thinking that it gives them freedom. What they don't realize is that, without an ultimate judge, our lives…
Many times we hear the phrase, “God is love”. This implies that God is the definition of love. What does Scripture say about this and how does this relate to…

Pursuing Heaven

April 14, 2024
Heaven. What is it like? We know that it is the place where God dwells and that it is often referred to as “Paradise”. One way to see what it…
Most Christians will acknowledge God as all wise and almighty, but do we really believe that? Is our behavior and interaction with others consistent with what we say we believe…
“The resurrection is the most important and most life transforming thing that God has done in all creation.” This is the defining event in all of Christianity. So much so,…
All Christians should be growing in grace & knowledge of God. How do we know that we are growing? Are there some ways to tell? Pastor Kyle addresses this aspect…

The Wanderer

March 17, 2024
Have you ever been lost in the sense of having taken a wrong turn? Many of us have and we are often glad to find our way back to the…
The goal of the leadership and members at Grace Point Church is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. If we are in a growing relationship with…
Pastor Emeritus, Paul Blasko, has been with Grace Point/Twin Orchards Baptist for more than 40 years. Today he shares his memories and hopes with the congregation prior to his and…
Grace, in a Biblical context, is God’s goodness upon undeserving people. We cannot earn it. There are, however, different categories (or types) of grace that God bestows on people. What… defines a tripwire as “a wire that activates a trap, camera, or other device when stepped on, tripped on, or otherwise disturbed”. The idea that traps are set for…

The Talk

February 4, 2024
The words we speak can be powerful in that they can build others up or tear them down. Given this “power”, we should be mindful in how we use the…
Today Pastor Kyle picks up on his series, The Walk, with a discussion on spiritual friendships. He describes what they are and what they are about, based on the Apostle…
What does it mean to be Pro-Life? From a Biblical perspective, it not only includes the pre-natal aspect, but the post-natal as well. How does that work? Listen and find…