To the Christian, culture is taking the raw material Gad has given and rearrange it for human flourishing as God defines it. But most cultures throughout human history have not…
One of the things we need to do in order to engage our culture is to build relationships with those around us. This means that we are to put forth…
How do you engage a society that approves of people doing what God has labeled as wrong? If you are a Christian, you can't ignore the changes that are going…
Over the last couple of months, we have spent much time talking about idols of the heart and how they enslave us. How can we be freed from this? Listen…
Worship is more than just singing hymns and praises at church. At its core, it's about love, honor, pursuit, respect, and allegiance. As God's creation, our worship should be directed…
Many people are somewhat familiar with the story of Jonah and how he got swallowed by a big fish. But the end of the book of Jonah may have left…
Idolatry is not just worshipping an object made of wood, metal, stone, or any other created thing. It can also be an intangible thing. This week, Kyle discusses the idol…
Most people tend to believe that riches are a help to get you into the kingdom of God rather than a hinderance. Jesus labels wealth as a handicap because it…
The discussion of money, and how to manage it properly, tends to be somewhat taboo in our culture today. However, it is discussed in the book of Proverbs and Pastor…
If you’re not sure whether you totally believe in Christianity or not I’m especially glad that you’re here because that is exactly what we’re going to talk about today. Why…
Today we look at how we can make idols out of Power and Pride. Not everyone has Power, but even those that don't have it, try to gain it. We…
In our series on Idolatry, we learned how we can idolize things and people. But did you know that we can even idolize Love? Listen to how that can happen…
Over the last few weeks, we've learned that we are all subject to idolatry issues. Idols are very sneaky, and many are difficult to see in your own life. All…
Idolatry is not just a failure to obey God, it is setting your heart on something besides Him. it is deceiving yourself to think you can find something better than…
Whenever you look to some created thing to give you what only God can give you, that's idolatry. An idol is not limited to inanimate objects. It could be having…
Idolatry - It's not limited to people of antiquity; it's alive and well in modern culture. In fact, it is basic to the Me Monster that was talked about last…
One of our main problems in life is that we are "me centered" in ways that we don't really recognize. This "Me Monster" plagues our personal lives, our professional lives,…
God sometimes uses people that the world ignores or shuns, to bring forth His kingdom. Hear what Matt has to say about this.
What is your view on the sovereignty of God in regards to missions? What does it mean when we say "God is sovereign"? Listen to what Steve Niles has to…
Kingdom Air Corps. What they're about (mission aviation) and what is going on with the ministry.