What does it mean to know Jesus Christ in a real and personal way? This week in Philippians, we learn that knowing Christ means that we must also begin to experience…
Where do you find your hope? Although the right answer is “Jesus”, most of us base our day-to-day hope on things we are trying to accomplish. When we fail to…
These 4 things are discussed by people all over. Listen to how Pastor Tim shows us how they relate to the Cross and how we can find application to our…
Why does God use some people greatly and others not so much? Let me give you a hint; it isn’t based on intelligence, giftedness, talent or education.  It’s in our…
Our conduct should be worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In order to do this we have to have the same mind/attitude that Christ had in considering others as…
The humility God commands can only come from filling your heart with what Jesus already did for you when He emptied Himself.  If you are wondering how you can fill…
The news these past couple of weeks has been filled with issues regarding race and riots. Is this something that Scripture addresses? Listen in as Kyle unpacks what Scripture says…
This passage is something we need to memorize and hold on to each day. What is true humility and how can you become a more humble person? The key is…
How do we really live a life worthy of the gospel? Listen and find out.
In his letter to the church at Philippi, the Apostle Paul states (v.21), “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” What does it mean “to…
During this time of pandemic, we are all facing trials of varying degrees. The Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Philippi while under house arrest, does not bemoan his…
In the first few verses of his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul mentions that he prays for the believers there. But it’s not a “generic” prayer, but one…
In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul offered encouragement based on what Christ has done for them through His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection from the…
As Kyle begins the new series on the book of Philippians, he first gives us some background on the people that started that church and how it came to be.…
Easter, often referred to in “church-world” as Resurrection Day, is when Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For some people, they wonder “Did the resurrection of Jesus really happen?”…
As we conclude our series on Titus, we are reminded that how we conduct ourselves in our culture is of great importance if we are to be a godly influence…
Last week, we learned that Jesus id the Kindness of God made visible. This week, we will learn that it is the Holy Spirit who opens our eyes to recognize…
 This week in our study of Titus, we are looking at Titus 3:1-7.  This is noted as one the fullest statements about our salvation in one sentence, written by the…
The coronavirus that is taking our country/culture’s attention has led to the officially encouraged practice of “social distancing”. This means trying to keep a distance of at least 6 ft…
Along the lines of “Influencing Our Culture” it is often necessary to remind ourselves that we are to behave in a Christ-like manner. This runs counter to our sinful nature…
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