End Times Prophecy is a topic of much interest. Today, Kyle is introducing this series while answering the question: Why are we studying prophecy?
In just two days the polls will be closed and our nations official vote counters will be hard at work to appoint a winner to this year's election. Someone once…
As we close in on the election on November 3rd, it is easy to see that politics isn't an emotionally neutral topic. It has the power to divide us instead…
This Sunday is our last message in our series on Philippians. These final three weeks have been devoted toward looking at contentment, greed, and why God wants us to be…
Greed and contentment cannot coexist. Either you allow greed to push your desire for more and more, or you are content with what you have. This week we look at…
Too many times, we find ourselves building walls in our relationships with other people. Yet, God tore down the wall that was between us and Him when Jesus gave Himself…
If keeping things and amassing riches is your objective rather than releasing them and using them for the Lord, you will completely miss contentment. We will be most content when…
If we are honest with ourselves, most of us lack contentment. This lack of contentment tends to be tied with our circumstances in life. The apostle, Paul, had experienced much…
Last week, Kyle talked about a scriptural teaching that he calls the “TDF Principle” (Think Right, Do Right, Feel Right). How you think and what you do are huge factors…
Join Kyle as he continues with his discussion on anxiety and worry, and how to deal with these “tyrants” in our lives.*** Discussions Questions Below ***
Mike continues his discussion on the Gospel and how it should influence the way we think as well as the way we behave. This means that we don’t make good…
Although Christians know that they are saved from the penalty of sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, many still struggle with anxiety and other issues in their lives. How…
We live in a time of great worry and anxiety. Worry is one of the biggest problems in life we face, and it tends to get worse as we get…
Conflict often arises in spite of the best of circumstances; even among believers. Paul admonishes the believers in Philippi to resolve conflicts. Listen to what Kyle has to say about…
With the many trials of life that we go through, it’s easy to become depressed. We end up looking down, resulting in a loss of joy in our life. Listen…
For Christians, the short answer should be “Christ”. However, this is easier said than done. As sinful people, we need help. Listen to Pastor Josh as he unpacks 5 ways,…
What does it mean to know Jesus Christ in a real and personal way? This week in Philippians, we learn that knowing Christ means that we must also begin to experience…
Where do you find your hope? Although the right answer is “Jesus”, most of us base our day-to-day hope on things we are trying to accomplish. When we fail to…
These 4 things are discussed by people all over. Listen to how Pastor Tim shows us how they relate to the Cross and how we can find application to our…
Why does God use some people greatly and others not so much? Let me give you a hint; it isn’t based on intelligence, giftedness, talent or education. It’s in our…