If you are a follower of Christ, you need to know that when Jesus died on the cross because of your sin, He did much more than just provide forgiveness. …
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, your identity is tied to Christ. What this means is that the term, Christian, should not just be a title. It is…
Today, Kyle continues to explore who we are as Christians compared to who God knows us to be.
Today, one of our Elders, Tad Williams, continues our Summer Sessions series by addressing the gap between our life, as God designed it to be, and how we actually live.
As Kyle continues his mini-series on love, he explores the question: “Who are you?” along with how our identity in Christ (if you are a Christian) addresses it.
As Kyle continues his mini-series on love, he explores its origin and how it ties in with the nature of God.
Last week, Kyle looked at 7 “Love Blockers”. This week, he looks at 6 things that Love always does. What can we learn from this and how can we apply…
In today’s message, Kyle not only discusses what the Bible describes love to be, but also talks about 7 “Love Blockers” that we sometimes have that impede our love for…
Many of us are stressed out due to circumstances beyond our control and long for a vacation, but cannot always do so. Pastor Tim Dodd, one of our Associate Pastors,…
We continue our “Summer Sessions” series with a message from one of our elders, Mike Cason. Mike addresses one of the central questions of Christianity, “Who is Jesus?”, and how…
Today we start a new “series” called Summer Sessions. This will consist mostly of stand alone messages on various topics, by various speakers (other pastors and church elders). Kyle starts…
This Sunday marks our final message in the subject of end times prophecy.  We take a look at not just the Return of the King, but also how He begins…
This Sunday's message is focused on the events surrounding Armageddon.  Many people have heard of the Battle of Armageddon, and others simply use the term as a time of impending…
While today's message is focused on Ezekiel 38, we take a look at a few other passages that talk about Israel and God's salvation for the nation.  God's salvation for…
This week in our series "The End" we are looking at 1 Peter 1:10-16.  Peter teaches us that the end result of understanding prophecy should be that we set our…
This week in our series "The End" we are looking at the link between Babylon, Rome and modern Europe. We are continuing to look at prophecies that we can see…
In part 2 of the topic "The Mark of the Beast" in Revelation 13, Kyle spends most of the time looking at how our world today is moving quickly toward…
We pick up on our End Times prophecy series, The End, after a 2 month break. Today Kyle talks about prophetic signs, the mark of the beast, and how our…
Imagine that you were given a magical jar of beans that represented each day of your life, where at the end of each day one would disappear.  As you saw…
If you were told that, because of the current pandemic, the next area where the church in America needs to innovate is in how it does community, you probably would…
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