Our Heart for Groups
At GPC, we believe that community and relationships are vitally important to our spiritual and emotional well-being. We believe groups play an important role in developing a sense of belonging and are an avenue for care and accountability.
Our goal is to develop groups that are easy to access, prepare for, and attend. To that end, we primarily utilize sermon-based discussion groups so that prep for the group meeting is simply listening to the previous week's sermon and -if you want to be extra prepared- taking notes. This format truly turns a group "leader" into more of a facilitator and makes it so anyone could potentially guide group discussion on any given week.
Each group meeting will have these 3 key elements: Community (fellowship), Content (study), and Conversation (prayer). There are no hard and fast rules for how long you should spend in each area, but the goal should be to spend some time doing each.
One last note- our Connect Groups run on a semester-based model. This means that there will be "on-ramps" and "off-ramps" about every 10 weeks. This way, no one feels locked into a group for life, and you can take a break when needed. We understand that personalities don't always click and some life seasons are busier than others. On ramps and off ramps allow for easier transitioning into and out of groups with no hard feelings.
2024-2025 Dates
- Fall Semester - September 15th through November 23rd
- Holiday Break
- Winter Semester - January 5th through March 15th
- Spring Semester - March 16th through May 24th
If you're interested in forming, joining, facilitating/leading, or hosting a group, please provide us with some information by clicking the "Request Information" link below and fill out the form, and we'll do our best to get you plugged in!
You can also "cut out the middleman" and see a list of available groups by clicking the Connect Groups logo below. Once there, you can contact group leaders directly and get more information about a specific group.

(Click the Connect Groups Logo to check out our current groups)