Our Deacons
We believe scripture indicates in Acts 6:1-4 that the office of deacon, along with its responsibilities, was instituted to relieve the elders of certain financial and material responsibilities. Because our deacons exist to assist the elders, they are also to be spiritually qualified for this service according to Acts 6:3 and 1 Tim 3:8-13.
Our Constitution requires that, as qualified men are available, the Deacon Board shall be nine in number (or more as the need arises) and shall be elected at the annual business meeting by the church for a term of three years. In the same way, the terms of one-third of the Deacon Board will expire each year.
Our deacons act as legal trustees in behalf of the Church in the purchase, holding, or disposing of any real or fixed property in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. The Constitution limits this trustee power to two percent of the current year budget unless directed by the Church by means of its annual budget or by vote at any convened business meeting.
Additional information of the duties of deacons can be found in our church constitution, available upon request.
Brian Pomeroy
Greg Emmons
Bill Fliedner
Dan Gill
Mark Saunders
Matt Lamb
Steve Ng
Stan Cason
Business Manager
Stephen Pavik
New Member
Bill Moore
Point Man
Rick Truman