
Sunday Services: If weather requires us to cancel our services, that information will be available on the church voicemail, website, and Facebook. It will also be communicated via email and text to those in our directory.
Weekday & Evening Activities: If Vestal schools cancel for the day, dismiss early, or cancel after-school activities due to inclement weather, all programs and services will be cancelled.
To confirm cancellation, you can check the website or Facebook.

Snow cancellation policy for Grace Point

Iwe know a storm is coming that could potentially shut things down, send an announcement that we will only have one service at 10:45 (now 11 with the time change), by 10am on Saturday.  Post on website, Facebook, text and email.

If we need to cancel Sunday services, (and we have only one service at  11:00), cancel no later than 7:30 AM.

If we have 2 services planned and a storm surprises us, cancel no later than 6am Sunday AM.

Challenge for the church on snow days:  “Go out and be the church if you have the ability to help others shovel out.  Check in on neighbors.”

What factors impact deciding to cancel

  1. State of emergency; State asking drivers to stay off road.
  2. Can volunteers get to church services from their locality?